Bryony is the Rector of Barlborough and Clowne - two villages in North East Derbyshire. Before ordination she worked as a social media consultant. 2020 has been interesting as it has brought her former working life right into life now as a priest in the church of England - she has been sharing her knowledge and expertise to help hybrid church (including online and phone church) to grow and reach more people for Christ.
Why are you passionate about digital?
Because it expands our horizons and connects us in so many ways.
Name a hero of yours and why?
Sister Catherine Wybourne - @digitalnun on Twitter - she was one of the first to look at how ministry can work online. She has an amazing online ministry and has such integrity. I met her at a previous Premier Digital conference and was totally star struck!
What can people expect from your session?
Some grounded and real reflections on mission and ministry during the pandemic.
What most excites you about #PremDAC20 (other than your own session!)?
The chance to see a lot of the things we've been talking about for years moving into the mainstream of the church.