Carl leads Faith in Later Life, a national Christian charity seeking to encourage and equip Christians to reach, serve and empower older people, through the local church. Carl previously headed up communications activity for Pilgrims' Friend Society, a national residential and care home provider. Carl is a regular commentator in the Christian media and is passionate about the importance of older Christians in church, and older people in society more broadly.
Why are you passionate about digital?
It's amazing how many people can be reached digitally, without physical boundaries. Digital opens opportunities which need to be accessible to all.
Name a hero of yours and why?
My dad John. He was never too busy for anyone.
What can people expect from your session?
An opportunity to reflect on what church is increasingly looking like now, why it is important for churches to be digitally inclusive, and how we can serve and empower our older church members digitally or otherwise.
What most excites you about #PremDAC20 (other than your own session!)?
We are in unprecedented times, the most difficult in our generation. And yet despite church buildings being closed, many have embraced digital advances that may otherwise have taken years to get to. #PremDAC20 is a great opportunity to take stock, learn more and be equipped for church in 2021.