Today we're launching Premier's Hybrid Church Charter, the brainchild of Premier Christian Communications. The Charter consists of a set of ten key principles for a healthy hybrid church. A hybrid church combines the best of what buildings and traditions allow with the best of digital opportunities.
The charter will be launched as part of a special Premier Digital Webinar as part of the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast Webinar Programme on Friday, June 25, 1pm BST. Join us there: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85996247021?pwd=ZkF2QjlWWnp4Wm5qWnFxMlpiR1JLZz09
Following the research and publications of so many churches in the UK over the lockdown, many people want online church to be a feature for the ongoing church. They want the public to have access to Church, they want people who are left at home to be included in every aspect of the Church's life - worship, discipleship, business meetings.
The Charter calls on churches to make this happen wherever they can.
Krish Kandiah Greater Good: “Christians are called to welcome everyone with the love of God. I am happy to endorse the Hybrid Church Charter as it encourages churches to make the most of both online and face to face gatherings so that we can offer genuine hospitality to all through our services.”
Joanne Cox-Darling, Methodist Minister: “It is often said that the church exists for those not yet part of it. The global pandemic has reinterpreted this in so many different ways for our local churches and communities. The Hybrid Church Charter helps to move us towards those we have excluded for so long. It offers churches the invitation to commit to hybrid as a way of life, rather than an emergency measure and it offers church leaders the scaffolding onto which they can continue to experiment, minister, innovate, and see God’s kingdom.”
Emma Major, Lay Minister, Church of England: “This is fantastic, just exactly what is needed to raise awareness of the issues of inclusivity and the benefits of online worship, mission and evangelism. I am extremely happy to endorse this charter and to celebrate as churches and communities sign up to everything it contains.”
Carey Nieuwhof, Canadian blogger/podcaster: "If you're looking for the future of church, it's hybrid. Everyone you want to reach is online and when the church fuses in person ministry with digital ministry, we can reach more people than ever."
Why not sign the charter and encourage others to do so by sharing this on social media.